3D GP 2020 - Zlin RŮMY

July 18th 2020, Zlin, CZ



Dear Friends!
We are sorry to note that due to the COVID-19 situation the organizers cancelled and postponed the 3D GP.
The GP will be held March 19-21, 2021.
This competition will require new registration.
Please follow our page and we will keep you updated on HDH-IAA events.
17.07.2020, Friday

Arrivals and Accommodation
05.00 – 07.00 pm Accreditation

18.07.2020, Saturday

07.00 am Accreditation, Warm Up
08.30 am Welcome, Target allocation
09.00 am Start of Competition on twenty 3D Targets
13.00 pm to 14.00 pm break
14.30 pm Start on second twenty 3D Targets

19.07.2020, Sunday 

07.30 am   Warm up
09.00 am   Start of third twenty 3D Targets
13.30 pm   Start of Individual Final First six Shooter each class on six 3D Targets.
16.00 pm   Medal Award

Registration fees for
Adults, Young Adults, Veteran   € 40 / Person
Junior, Cadets, Children   € 25 / Person

BANK DETAILS: Česká spořitelna
ČÚ.: 3451395359/0800
IBAN: CZ37 0800 0000 0034 5139 5359

Deadline for payment
The arriving of transfer must be done until 07.07.2020 for activate of registration.
The validity of the registration starts with the payment date.

The local club dp Lukostřelba Zlín is experienced and the place have been suitable location for several national archery events.
The shooting range has been reconstructed and offers unique conditions for organizing multinational competitioins.
Organizers: dp Lukostřelba Zlín z.s. together with Česká Lukostřelecká Asociace 3D s.r.o.

Place of competition: dp Lukostřelnice Zlín RŮMY, area Barabáš
GPS: 49.218813, 17.669309

The benefits of the competition: 
  • archery competiton take place in the city of Zlín 5 min from the city center
  • parking lot included archery range
  • meals and snacks on site
  • tent town at the place of the competition

dp Lukostřelba Zlín

Město Zlín