Historical Archery World Championships 2020



If the organizers are unable to organize the competition due to a virus outbreak situation, the 90% of the entry fee will be refunded.

More informations:



We heartfully invite the historical archers from around the world to the 3rd HDH-IAA Historical Archery World Championships on 17-23th August, 2020 in the picturesque town of Tata, not far from Budapest, the capital city of Hungary,.
The World Championships consist of 3 parts:

Please register for the competitions separately (one-by-one)

I am looking forward to see you at Tata!

Lovász Tamás
Chairman of OC
HDA-IAA and Hungarian Archery Association

According to the historical rules of HDH-International Archery Association
You can collect 3 individual World Championship titles and one Team title. 
HDH-IAA Historical rules


  • Historical bow from modern materials
  • Historical bow from natural materials
  • Historical longbow and other stick bows
  • Hunting bows
  • Historical crossbows


  • veteran:                51 years of age or older / men – women
  • adult:                    21-50 years / men – women
  • young adult:        18-20 years / men – women
  • junior:                   15-17 years / men – women
  • cadet:                   13-14 years / men – women
  • mini:                     10-12 under / men – women
16th Sunday
General Meeting 2020 and BOD meeting - Location: City of Tata
17th Monday
11:00-17:00  Registration
12:00-17:00  Practice range opening hours
18:00- Parade, Opening ceremony
18th Tuesday - 1nd Qualification day
7:30-8:30 Practice range opening hours
8:30  Team assignment, orientations
9:00-13:00 World Championship 1st round
Afternoon flight shooting (1 bow style)
15:00- Registration, orientation, start of the competition
19th Wednesday - 2nd Qualification day
7:30-8:30 Practice range opening hours.
8:30  Team Division, orientations 
9:00-13:00 World Championship 2nd round
Afternoon flight shooting (1 bow style)
15:00- Registration, orientation, start of the competition
20th Thursday - 3rd Qualification day
7:30-8:30 Practice range opening hours.
8:30  Team Division, orientations 
9:00-13:00 World Championship 3rd round
Afternoon flight shooting (1 bow style)
15:00- Registration, orientation, start of the competition

20th of August, Celebration of the founding of the Hungarian state
Our founder king, I. (Holy) Stephen's days

21th Friday - Semi Finals
7:30-8:30 Practice range opening hours.
8:30  Team Division, orientations 
9:00-13:00 Semi Finals
Afternoon flight shooting (1 bow style)
15:00- Registration, orientation, start of the competition
22th Saturday - Long Distance Shooting Championships
8:00- Practice range opening hours
8:00-12:00 Registration
9:00 Starting the competition
Afternoon finals
23th Sunday - Final (individual and team)
8:00-15:00 Final practice range opening hours
9:00  Starting the finals
18:00 Awarding ceremony, banguet
Historical bows in total
(total scores of the 3 ranges)
Female: 45%  / Cadet female 30%
Male: 60%    / Cadet male 45%
Hunting bows in total
(total scores of the 3 ranges)
Female: 50% / Cadet female 35%
Male: 65% / Cadet male 50%

Classical Historical Targets Shooting:

HDH-IAA Historical Rules
On the first 3 days competitors shoot on the qualification ranges on 3 different ranges each with 18 targets (18 classic target faces, 18 hunting targets (3D animals), 18 technical targets). On the 4th day competitors who accomplished the qualification will shoot. In the semi final there will be 18 targets (6-6-6 targets chosen from the qualification days). Those competitors who reached the specified level on every qualification day will shoot on the ranking day. The best 6 competitor from each category get into the finals.

HDH-IAA Historical Flight Shooting and Long Distance Target Shooting Archery  World Championships 

The competition is divided to 2 parts
1.    Long Distance Shooting: 35-145 meters, 5 different distance, 7 arrows on each distance in order from the closest to the farthest than back from the farthest to the closest, totally 72 shoots. The best 12 competitor from each category get into the finals duel.
2.     Flight Shooting: in 4 bows styles with 2 pound limited. 3 arrows in one rounds. We will keep a record list, where the shootings will be certified and we will register the longest shoot for each competitor in every category at the HDH-IAA International Archery Association. Every participant will get a certificate about their longest shoot

The Flight shooting and the Long Distance Target Archery  is a one-one, separate event!

Between international teams: 

A team of four of the best competitors from a single country or nation selected from individual qualification rounds. Team finals are held after the individual finals.






The registration fee contains:
World Championship entry fee,
the side programs,the banquet, transfer between the competition venues, airport transfer’s fee and
the additional programs and competitions.

HDH-IAA Historical Archery World Championships


HDH-IAA Flight and Long Distance Shooting 


HDH-IAA World Championships+ Flight and Long Distance Shooting  


Discounted registration fee
until 31th May 2020

150 € / 49.500HUF

60 € / 19.800HUF

180 € / 59.500HUF

Family discounted registration fee
until 31th May 2020
(Wife, husband, children, grandparents, )

130 € / 43.000HUF

40 € / 13.500HUF

160 € / 53.000HUF

Registration fee:

180 €

100 €

210 €

-    The registration becomes valid when the entry fee arrives to the bank account
-    In the case of cancellation we can refund the fee according to the following: 

by 31th of May 80% of the entry fee 
after 1st of June 50% of the entry fee

-    In case the withdrawal is within three weeks before the championship we can not pay refund.

All other individuals who are not members of national archery association can have competition licence* the fee is 15 Euro/year.
*licence: international shooting licence for one person

-     Please send e-mail if you would like the family discount tortenelmiijaszat@gmail.com

OTP BANK NYRT, 1163 Budapest Jókai utca 3/B 
Historical Archery World Championships
IBAN: HU19 1173 3027 2836 2515 0000 0000

HUF transfer: 11733027-28362515

-    Please write your name and the competition category (A,B or C) in the transfer notice when you pay the entry fee.


Historical World Championships

1.    place    World Champion title,  Unique medal, Trophy, certificate
2-3. place    Unique medal, certificate
4-6. place    Certificate
Team competition   - 1st place    Unique Hungaricum    
Every competitor    - Certificate about participation 

Prizes will be raffled among participants!

Flight and Long Distance Shooting WCH

1.    place    The World Champion, Certification, Medal, Trophy
2-3. place    Medal, Certification
4-6. place    Certification
Flight Shooting  - Every participant will get a certificate about their longest shoot


The banquet will be held after the Awarding ceremony, 3 course buffet reception, with a show to honor and greet the participating contestants.
We welcome the representatives of the nations to join the show with a performance of their own.
The banquet is free all invitated guests, competitors +1 accompanied person
Additional guest fee: 15 € / 4500Ft


More informations: tortenelmiijaszat@gmail.com