We heartfully invite the historical archers from around the world to the 3rd HDH-IAA Historical Archery World Championships on 17-23th August, 2020 in the picturesque town of Tata, not far from Budapest, the capital city of Hungary.
The World Championships consist of 3 parts:
I am looking forward to see you at Tata!
Lovász Tamás
Chairman of OC
HDA-IAA and Hungarian Archery Association
According to the historical rules of HDH-International Archery Association
You can collect 3 individual World Championship titles and one Team title.
HDH-IAA Historical rules
The competition consists of 1 round. Competitors have 3 shots to execute in a category. 1 competitor can enter maximum 2 categories. The longest shots shall be marked with flags with the name of the competitors. Only the longest shot of the 3 shots of each competitor is recorded.
The field of play is easy to overview, well trimmed flat area. When desighning the field prevailing wind needs to be considered.
Safty zones taken in consideration the ideal field measurements are:
the minimum is a zone of minimum of 30-30 m from both sides of the shooting stances and a length of 700meters.x150 m. It must be adjusted tot he distances to be shot. The maximum angle of the lines running out from baseline is 30 degrees resulting in a continiously withening field
Poles(sticks) is marking the shooting line and a band or paint is running between them to mark the line. Waiting line is also marked located 5 meters behind the shooting line. Technical line is marked 2 meters in front of shooting line
Starting from shooting line the distances are measured and marked by at every 100 meters of 2m high poles with flags. Between the poles a painted or marked by a band a line is indicating the line of the distance marked.
On the midline of the field a colored pole that is minimum 50cm high is marking the distances every 50 meters.
Historical Archery World Championships IBAN: HU19 1173 3027 2836 2515 0000 0000 SWIFT: OTPVHUHB HUF transfer: 11733027-28362515 |