World 3D Archery Championships 2024

Moosburg, AUSTRIA


individuals & teams

Congratulations to all competitors!
We ask for a little patience until the formatted FINAL RESULTS are published.
The organizers are working on it

HDH IAA team



INFO FOLDER in HERE! News, Groups, Results, Pictures


A warm welcome to all participants, officials and HDH-IAA officials to the 4th World Archery Championship Moosburg Austria.
Our team and HDH-IAA have made every possible effort to organize a pleasant, exciting and successful championship for you.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions or would like a solution.
Finally, on behalf of the organizing committee, all Austrian archers and myself, we warmly welcome you.

Charly Egger
Head of organizing




Day 0: 01 September (Sunday)
10.00-18.00: Registrierung und Bogenkontrolle / Registration and equipment inspection
10.00-18.00: Einschussplatz ist geöffnet / Practice Range open

Day 1: 02 September (Monday)
08.00-16.00: Registrierung und Bogenkontrolle / Registration and equipment inspection
08.00-15.00: Einschussplatz ist geöffnet / Practice Range open
15:00 Team Captain meeting 
17.00: Aufstellung zur Eröffnung / Gathering for opening
Eröffnungsfeier in Moosburg / Opening ceremony at Moosburg

Day 2: 03 September (Tuesday)
08.00-17.00: Einschussplatz ist geöffnet / Practice Range open
08.30: Start of first Competition’s Day
Schussbeginn Parcours A, B und C: Gruppe 1 am Ziel 1, nächste Gruppe 10 Minuten später
Shooting start Parcours A, B und C: First group at target 1, next group 10 minutes later
18.00: Abgabe Scorekarten / Closing time to hand in score cards

Day 3: 04 September (Wednesday)
08.00-17.00: Einschussplatz ist geöffnet / Practice Range open
08.30: Start of second Competition’s Day
Schussbeginn Parcours A, B und C: Gruppe 1 am Ziel 1, nächste Gruppe 10 Minuten später
Shooting start Parcours A, B und C: First group at target 1, next group 10 minutes later
18.00: Abgabe Scorekarten / Closing time to hand in score cards

Day 4: 05 September (Thursday)
08.00-17.00: Einschussplatz ist geöffnet / Practice Range open
08.30: Start of third Competition’s Day
Schussbeginn Parcours A, B und C: Gruppe 1 am Ziel 1, nächste Gruppe 10 Minuten später
Shooting start Parcours A, B und C: First group at target 1, next group 10 minutes later
18.00: Abgabe Scorekarten / Closing time to hand in score cards
20:00: Country Abend mit Live Musik / Country Evening with live music

Day 5: 06 September (Friday) Mannschafts Qualifikation / Teams Qualification
08.00-17.00:  Einschussplatz ist geöffnet / Practice Range open
09.00:  Start Team Qualification 14 Targets
Schussbeginn Team / shooting start team
Qualifikation 14 Ziele / Qualification 14 Targets
14.00:  Start Team Finals

Day 6: 07 September (Saturday) Finalschießen / Final Shooting | Einzel / Individual
09.00:  Start of Individual Final’s
Finale Einzel / Final individual
16.00:  Siegerehrung und Abschluss / Awarding ceremony
20.00:  Banquet Presentation Special Awards


Day 7: 08 September (Sunday) Abreise / Departure


Competition Center




CLASSES male / female



The registration is only possible via online registration.
The validity of the booking starts with the payment date. 
Please note: make sure to fill in the form correctly and complete. You will receive all the Information’s required by mail. 
After booking you will receive a confirmation email for your personal control. 
Please note: make sure that the mail address is correct. 
All your Information can be checked at the HDH-IAA Website.
The booking has to be done latest till 01.08.2024
Each participant needs to provide an email address.

Registration is only final once you have completed the payment process. Only then will you appear on the participant list.

If, for any reason, the payment is not completed, your pre-registration will be removed after 2 weeks



  Veteran / Adult Young Adult Junior/Cadet/Mini
Until 30.03.2024 190€ 170€ 100€
Until 15.07.2024 210€ 190€ 120€
From 16.07.-01.08.2024 230€ 210€ 140€

Entry fee team: 60 € / team 

Cancellation policy registration:
You can cancel your Registration until 10.08.2024
We will deduct 30€ processing fee. 
From 16.08.2024, the entry fee will be withheld in full and will not be refunded without exception.

Payment instructions - Registration fee

Please state your Name and Registration number! 

Bank: Raiffeisenbank St. Georgen im Attergau
Konto: 3D WM 2024 Moosburg
IBAN: AT39 3452 3800 0002 3622

Upcoming Bank service charges are paid by the Depositor / Payer and are added to the entry fee.
Entries after the 01.08.2024 are without an exception NOT registered and can NOT participate.           




We are looking forward to welcoming you and we are sure you will enjoy your stay in Kärnten...

Tourist Board Moosburg

Telefon: 04272 8340040
Ort: Kirchplatz 1, Moosburg, 9062
Tourist Board Pörtschach

Telefon: 04272 2354
Ort: Werzerpromenade 1, Pörtschach am


Tourist Board Krumpendorf

              Tourismusinformation Krumpendorf
Hauptstrasse 145
9201 Krumpendorf am Wörthersee

(0043) 4229

Tourismus Board Feldkirchen

Amthofgasse 3
9560 Feldkirchen in Kärnten

Für Ihre Anfragen und Auskünfte stehen Ihnen Herr Stefan Weißenbacher, Frau Magdalena Buttazoni und das gesamte Team des Touristikbüros gerne zur Verfügung.
Tel.: +43 4276 2176
Fax: +43 4276 2511-77