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Office of Hungarian Archery Association
*you need to shoot at least the points for your chategory described in the tabella to get colored medals. ARChallengeLimits2024.pdf
Compound Unlimited (CU)
Hunter 3D (HU)
Crossbow (CRB)
Compound Bare bow (CB)
Olympic (OL)
Traditional Recurve (TR-RB)
Traditional Longbow (TR-LB)
Bare bow (BB)
Primitivebow and Horsebow (PB-HB)
Veteran: 55 years of age or older
Adult: 21 - 54 years
Young Adult: 18 - 20 years
Junior: 15 - 17 years
Cadet: 13-14 years
Mini: 10-12 years
Veteran, Adult and Young Adult € 65,00
Junior, Cadet, Mini € 40,00
Pre-registration deadline and paying deadline: first day of every months
Final date of registration and pay: 08.04.2025.
Please do not transfer after 06.04.2025. (23:59 CET)
The Registration is only possible via ONLINE on HDH-IAA webpage
OTP Euro: 11763165-16868887
IBAN: HU21 1176 3165 1686 8887 0000 0000
Registration is only final once you have completed the payment process. Only then will you appear on the participant list. If, for any reason, the payment is not completed, you will be placed on the waiting list. If the payment is not completed, you will be removed every first day of the month. Please indicate reg number, name on payment.
The REVNGO offers click here
The BOOKING offers click here
Office of Hungarian Archery Association
Phone: +36 (1) 404-1642