
As you know the World 3D Champs are postponed. The new date is August 2021.


IAA has agreed with Organizers that fees not transferred back to archers will be kept on seperated account to save the costs of 2 extra transfers.
We do recommend to keep the paid in accommodation and registration fees at organizer and use it next year (save 40-50 euro) in fees. 
Organizer has promised to have exact account for each competitor with amounts usable next year’s WCH.



"7. All accommodation fees paid in should be paid back from organizer as it is possible to cancel them In case of separate transfer a fee for transfer and admin of 20 Euro can be deducted for each transferred amount.

8. A registered archer can chose to keep the fee and participate on postponed tournament or get back 90% of registration fees paid in."

If you choose the refund please write us to: 3dwch2020office@gmail.com