Using the Membership system

First time sign up

Step 1
Sign up with your e-mail address, your name and with a secure password to our site.
One email address can only be registered to one user!
If you cannot register with your email address during Sign up, try to logging with your address in to the login section.
If you forgot your password, you can request a new one for your login.

Step 2
Fill all data in the next dialog, the photo uploading is optional

Step 3
Confirm your sign-up by using a link received to your email inbox Continue without any confirmation... 
Now you can see our competition-registration system and now you are able to register to any HDH-IAA event in this page.



Sign in

Our system uses your email address as primary key.
Please use your registered email address and password for sign in.

After login you will see your personal data, your registration number.
In here you have change the defalut styles, your photos and your password.



 Registering to a competiton

On COMPETITION site HDH-IAA main events are listed

  1. Sign in

  2. Choose a competiotion

  3. Click to yellow REGISTRATION buttun

  4. Fill out the registration form

  5. If everything is ok press “apply”

  6. Your pre-registration is visible on page soon

  7. If prepayment is required, registration will be finalized when transfer has arrived and your status changes to paid